Refashioned vintage attire to Lolita Alice in Wonderland dresses. Creative photography is the record to this tale. This gallery enriched space awaits all imaginative souls (like Alice) who need a costume to wear, that speaks volumes, to your creativity and way. Entrance your inner child at the Lair!

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Alice miniature accessory close up on Alice Moonlit skirt

Wedding dress to all sizes Alice whimsical skirt

Upcycling vintage clothes

Upcycling vintage clothes.. The question always comes to mind, what if I cut too much and wreck this intricate fabric? But the organic process has to start, and does, after several cuts with the scissors. Moving around the fabric around, holding pieces up. Can it work inside out? This is one of my favourite things to do. Seeing the under layers, how it could hang by holding, twisting parts, then working out how much to cut.


Festival and creative costumes

It’s exciting when the creative juices flow, the organic direction that proceeds. Which recalls me to a book ‘Oh, The Places You’ll Go’ by Dr Seuss. One of my favourite presents from a friend sometime back, when given a coffee table book on the ‘Burning Man’ Festival. Viewing all the wonderful costumes and amazing set up to this festival in the desert. Then seeing the video of footage from Burning Man (2011) referencing this book. Also I great memory trip to past Mardi Gras in Sydney and other large festivals where people, inclusive of myself dressed to the nines.


Repurposed beauty

Upcycling vintage clothes from second hand stores, finding beautifully textured fabrics and well made to unique items, is a large part to what I do, in this instance, this stunning wedding dress was given to me to repurpose by Bec from BBMillinery who was photographed here as the first Queen of Hearts. I’ll be passing on the sleeves to Bec, as the under layer has a beautiful gold laced fabric that I’m sure she’ll weave her magic with her millinery skillset.

The original wedding dress ‘had been in a storage box in my roof for 25+ years, never to be worn again. When I saw what Ana Miller was doing, I knew she was the perfect person to gift it to with free reign to do what she liked to it. So great to see it out of the box in a new incarnation and going to be worn again. Can’t wait to see it on.’ – Bec Bayss

Stepping into the unknown, continually learning new ways is part of the process. I love working with my sewing machine that was one of my grandmother’s Elsie. She was apparently a well-known seamstress from Newcastle and apparently was sought after due to her precision to her makings. I make some costumes from scratch and will continue to do so, however my passion is cutting up existing wares and finding ways to predominantly make them for all sizes. As most people find when rummaging through clothes at second hand stores, most of the good stuff is in size 8. My weight has fluctuated, however when pregnant, I found it more challenging to find outfits to wear, especially of ornate nature.

Styling and accessories

My aim is to make whatever outfit or styled as one, is to have quirky features, or by the accessories added, into something quirkier and fun. There is no point reinventing the wheel if someone else has nailed it. First reference image relates to fantasy and Gothic jewellery by @Neath_the_veil which I love her creations so much!

Sourcing accessories or making jewellery pieces from randomly sought out items and fabrics is an enjoyable process, as for what I do, as long as the parts aren’t too heavy to incorporate. Love with this outfit in particular, so many variations can be added. Also with styling, love how individual pieces change the look in a flash. Switching on light bulb moments to things around. New ideas for props, backgrounds for photography, and so the list goes on.

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